Allen County March for Life January 18, 2014, at noon

January 14, 2014 11:34 am

The Guild will have a table in the lobby at the start of the rally then we will march behind a banner .  Anyone interested in the guild can march with us.

Here are the details:

The 40th annual Fort Wayne March for Life is Saturday, January 18, 2014. The rally will start at noon at 431 West Berry Street with the march immediately following. No RSVP needed.

The rally will feature keynote speaker Angela Minter of Sisters For Life, a Kentucky-based, non-profit dedicated to defending the sanctity of life at every stage from conception to mature adulthood.

Angela is a born-again Christian and the wife of her high school sweetheart, Parnell. They have enjoyed more than two decades of marriage and are blessed with three wonderful children. Angela and Parnell also lost two preborn babies to abortion while in their teens. They bear the scars of abortion, which only heightens Angela’s commitment to preborn babies, their parents and families.

The march will end at the Federal Building where representatives from the Silent No More Awareness Campaign will share their post-abortive testimonies.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. -Proverbs 31:8

The march starts here and ends at the federal building.

http://www.ichooselife.org/ for more details.

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