January 6, 2010 9:51 pm
Members can either join at the national level and de facto belong to a local guild, or just join the local guild at a lower price. However, the greatest benefits are achieved through joining at the national level. See below: The Catholic Medical Association works at both the national and local level to provide services that benefit the entire Catholic healthcare community and the culture around us. National advocacy Defense of conscience rights National and local support communities Defense of the Catholic faith Spiritual and moral formation and support Subscription to a bioethics journal, the Linacre Quarterly Valuable content, newsletters,... View Article
January 3, 2010 10:03 pm
To join the Lejeune Guild of the CMA, all you need to do is fill out this form: MEMBERSHIP FORM for Dr Lejeune Catholic Medical Guild of NE Indiana and then decide on payment. EVERYONE who wants to be a member of the Lejeune Guild needs to fill out this form yearly. You are not required to join to come to events. However the dues help us pay for coffee, snacks, and media costs. We kept the dues amount as low as possible. Your 2 choices are to join the national CMA in addition to joining the local guild, and... View Article
January 2, 2010 9:54 pm
Promise of the Catholic Physician As a Physician, I solemnly promise: To continually improve my professional abilities, in order to give my patients the best care I can. To respect my patients as human persons, putting their interests ahead of political and economic considerations, and to treat them without prejudice arising from religion, racial, ethnic, socio-economic or sexual differences. To defend and protect human life from conception to its natural end, believing that human life, transmitted by parents, is created by God and has an eternal destiny that belongs to Him. To refuse to become an instrument of violent or... View Article
January 1, 2010 1:03 am
Officers: President Chris Stroud, MD Vice President Kate Heimann, DO Secretary Julie Bryan, MD Treasurer Dave Kaminskas, MD Additional Board Members Thomas McGovern, MD also Regional Director for Indiana Andrew Mullally, MD also State Director for Indiana Eustace Fernandes, MD Adam Osenga, DC Elaine Cooper, RN Chaplain Father Daniel Chukwuleta, pastor at St Mary of the Assumption, Avilla