Monthly Meetings Third Saturday Each Month

March 4, 2021 1:34 pm

The Catholic Medical Guild of Fort Wayne is open to anyone in healthcare and is starting monthly meetings for fellowship, prayer, and discussions.  We will be meeting at St Vincent de Paul the third Saturday of each month following the 8:15 Mass which will be approximately 9:00 am. Most meetings will be in the Spiritual Center Room A.  Our first meeting will be March 20 and we will be discussing the first three chapters of Dr. Thomas McGovern’s new book: What Christ Suffered: A Doctor’s Journey Through the Passion.  This can be bought on Amazon or through local Catholic bookstores. Please come even without reading the book chapters.  See our website fortwayne.cathmed.org or call 260-222-6978 for more details or to get on our email list for events.

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