
You have reached the right spot to pre-pay for the 2025 Lenten Retreat in Fort Wayne!  The price is $10 per person. If you are a student, or in religious life, there is no cost.  Please try to RSVP as well so we know approximately how much food to order.  However, please come even if you were not able to RSVP by phone or per the link.

If you have ANY questions, please contact one of use by EMAIL or call us at 260-222-6978.


Please make out the check to:

Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend with “Jerome Lejeune Guild banquet/membership/Retreat/Donation” as indicated on comment line.

Please Mail Check to:

Dr. Jerome Lejeune Medical Guild of Northeast Indiana
c/o Dave Kaminskas
7019 Melody Lane
Ft. Wayne, IN 46804
This is also the right place to sign up for local membership.  We are waiving the price for 2025 for membership however if you want to give a donation you can use Paypal right here, or send us a check.  Just be sure to put the reason for the donation on the check or in the comments area on Paypal to let us know what you are paying for.  
Then, fill out the Membership form if your intent is to join the Guild either locally or nationally so you will be on the mailing list.